Progressive Spirit

Episode 428: The 9/11 Consensus Panel with Graeme MacQueen and Elizabeth Woodworth



Revisiting a broadcast from September 2018, Graeme MacQueen and Elizabeth Woodworth introduce the work of the 9/11 Consensus Panel. Here is the information from when the program first aired:This is the first of a four-part series on the new book released by the 9/11 Consensus Panel, 9/11 Unmasked: An International Review Panel Investigation.From the book’s back cover:“9/11 Unmasked is the result of a six-year investigation by an international review panel, which has provided 51 points illustrating the problematic status of all the major claims in the official account of the 9/11 attacks, some of which are obviously false. Most dramatically, the official account of the destruction of the Twin Towers and World Trade Center 7 could not possibly be true, unless the laws of physics were suspended that day. But other claims made by the official account including the claims that the 9/11 planes were taken over by al-Qaeda hijackers, that one of those hijackers flew his plane into the Pentagon, and that passengers on