Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Tracy Cherpeski – The Art of Slowing Down to Speed Up – Episode 255



Today, I am happy to introduce you to Tracy Cherpeski an international executive coach and leadership development expert who works with physicians and practitioners to grow their business and help them get their time back. She'll change your perspective on how you view time and scheduling with her amazing advice. In this Episode: Time leadership vs. time management Tracy shares how to feel in control of the things within your command The 3 Pillars of Time Leadership: Discovery, Analysis, Action How to shut down noise and distraction to get things done The importance of trusting your intuition Tracy shares how to realistically create a list of things that need to get done each day Tips on finding where you're leaving money and time on the table to start collecting it Tracy shares time-blocking tips The importance of checking in with yourself Tracy L. Cherpeski - MBA, MA, CPSC, is a leading executive coach with over 15 years experience. Her expertise, professional experience and "co