Nurah Speaks

(Ep 188) Back From Hiatus



“Where have you been Nurah?” For some time now I have had the feeling that something was missing from the podcast but I could not quite put my finger on it. I had a dissatisfaction, a nagging if you will that the podcast was incomplete. So stepped away to figure things out. And what I discovered is that I was not including a vital part of my foundation in the show, and that is the words and wisdom of Elijah Muhammad. When I began this podcast, it was not an ego driven project. In fact, I was nudged and nearly nagged to expand my audience so that the message I shared regionally in workshops, trainings, and keynotes could be heard by a broader listenership. In my introductory episode I shared a bit about myself with listeners so that the audience could know who I was: A wife, a mother, a Muslim follower of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, a community organizer, civically engaged, etc. However as I proceeded with the show, I did not include the key to what has made me successful and that is the wisdom of Elija