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#391 Francesca Specter: How To Be Alone (and Enjoy it)



My guest today is  Francesca Specter, author of Alonement: How to be alone and absolutely own it, and the creator of the Alonement podcast. You guessed it, today we are discussing how to be alone - something I’m really passionate about as someone who values alone time, takes myself on solo trips and loves Julia Cameron’s suggestion of The Artist Date, where you take yourself on a date. Francesca speaks so brilliant about this and coined the term Alonement, which is different from being lonely - we talk about learning to enjoy your own company, what this means in the context of getting through a pandemic, tips and tools on how to embrace alone time if it’s something you feel afraid of and how we can speak about solitude in a more nuanced way. Hope you enjoy this conversation. My Substack page, come and say hi: https://thehyphen.substack.com/Francesca's brilliant book ALONEMENT: https://uk.bookshop.org/a/153/9781529412628The Alonement podcast: https://www.alonement.com/podcastMy books: https://uk.book