Human Resources For Small Business

A Unique Benefit Millennials Will Thank You For



Many millennials entering the workforce are burdened with student loan debt. And according to some articles, the average student in the class of 2016 has $37,172 in debt. In the fight for talent, employers are getting as creative as they can to attract and retain talent to grow their businesses and some are turning to student loan repayment programs as a new, unique benefit to employees. In this episode, Paige Tamlyn and Brandon Laws discuss student loan repayment programs, why it would or would not make sense for your organization, and how to implement such a program. Articles mentioned:   How to Support this Show: Subscribe on your favorite podcast app (iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, etc.) Review us on iTunes Take our survey and we'll enter you in a drawing for a free book Follow Xenium HR (@Xeni