Human Resources For Small Business

The Science Behind Decision Making



Ever thought about why you make the decisions you do? And how you know it’s the right one? From acting on intuition to weighing the risks and rewards, there’s a lot behind our big decisions. Listen in as Pat McCauley of Bridgewell Agribusiness, Rick Thomas of Pilot Wealth Management and Brandon Laws of Xenium HR discuss the science behind the decisions we make. We’ll cover tactics that traders use to combat uncertainty, how to avoid bias in decision making and tips for making the best choice you can every time. ATTEND THE SEMINAR ON JUNE 12TH - 50% Off - use discount code XENIUMHR (limited to first 12 people)   How to Support this Show: Subscribe on your favorite podcast app (iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, etc.) Review us on iTunes Take our survey and we'll enter you in a drawing for a free book Follow Xenium HR (@XeniumHR) and Brandon Laws (@BrandonLaws) on Twitter, LinkedIn & Instagram Learn more about Xenium HR at Links:   Connect with Pat McCauley