
334: Persistence is the best substitute for talent



The quote from Steve Martin, “Thankfully, persistence is a great substitute for talent.”, reminded us of the conversations we've been having as we get towards our 10th year of business. We never really felt especially talented in any particular field. We were never number one at anything. But we did well in everything that we did because we were persistent, we showed up, we were enthusiastic, and we did the work.This is what we spoke about during the episodeWhen you're trying to do something and it doesn't happen in the time that you expected it to happen, you can either quit or keep going.When should you give up or when you should pivot?It's hard work getting to the point of where you want to be, as well as maintaining it and going to the next level. You gotta have that resilient mindset to go through the hard times.A lesson from Yoga, detachment, teaches us to keep striving and reaching for our goals but know that wherever we end up going, that's where we're meant to be going and that the real treasure is i