5 Smooth Stones

Hebrew Israelites perspectives on current events



***  TONIGHT MONDAY JUNE 13,  2022, 8 PM CST *** Topic: Hebrew Israelites on current events. One of our top stories is still the white supremacist Joshua Burgess who raped and killed his black daughter and his recent death sentence. Many on social media is attacking the black mother while others attack the Father. Folks racist behaviors including murders are screaming for attention and correction while irresponsible humans turn a deaf ear or deal on the surface. Human family let's examine what's really happening in America on the Five Smooth Stones NTWK. This show will be nothing like you think, we will examine this evil from angles that will make all of us think awkwardly. The truth is often stranger than fiction. Tune in to hear a panel of mature, seasoned Israelites. Let's come together to discuss current events or things on our hearts, minds and spirits and trust the Most High for some answers. PROGRAM TIMES: JUNE 13, 2022, MONDAY NIGHT 8 PM CST.     To listen, call (914) 205 5590. Click the lin