What Got You There With Sean Delaney

Episode #306 Steve Magness-The Surprising Science of Real Toughness



Steve Magness is a world-renowned expert on performance, well-being, and sustainable success. He is coauthor of the best selling Peak Performance and The Passion Paradox. His most recent work is Do Hard Things: Why We Get Resilience Wrong and the Surprising Science of Real Toughness. In his coaching practice, Steve works with executives, entrepreneurs, and athletes on their performance and mental skills. "Real toughness isn’t just about helping you deal with pain or perform better; it’s about making you a healthier, happier human being. By adopting the principles of real toughness, you’ll learn how to prepare for, communicate with, respond to, and ultimately transcend discomfort. It’ll help you navigate arguments, handle your emotions, and wrestle back control of your life when you are on the brink of burnout." Watch on YouTube You Unleashed Course  50% off You Unleashed is an online personal development course created by Sean DeLaney after spending years working with an interviewing high achievers.The online