Power Trippin

Power Trippin Episode 226 - Came And Went



We talk about DaBaby fighting in the bowling alley. We do some reckless speculation about who is gay. We talk about dying while having sex. Yeah, in real life. Would you be mad if a guy flew you out but you had a layover? Are you required to buy someone you’re having sex with a Valentine’s Day gift? The name “Patrick” gets taken out. Scrap tells us about what happened when he tried to finance a Lambo. What store would be the best one to buy a kid from? The women on the show support rape…of men. Weirdo shit. Morgan goes through the remainder of the fan mail Ced doesn’t read. Mac is back to this sperm conversation. Follow the show on Instagram and Twitter: @powertrippinpod Follow us on Tik Tok: @powertrippinbitch Send fan mail to powertrippinpod@gmail.com or www.hevytraffick.com/power-trippin Subscribe, rate and review on all streaming platforms and the iHeart Radio app.