Strong Com Podcast

Working through Mass Unemployment w/ Blake Moser



Strong Com Podcast is back! A LOT has happened since I last uploaded and I felt it is more important than ever to help you move from weakness to greater strength in your career and communication.I start this episode sharing my heart and mind about how the world has been shaken by COVID-19 and share what I'm doing and what I believe others should do to come out the other side stronger than ever before. I also share a page out of Think and Grow Rich entitled "How to get the job you desire" which I felt was pretty apt for this time. In an effort to help those left without a job during this time or for those who'd like to take this opportunity to make a job change, I'm offering resume reviews for free! Just send me your resume to my email, For those who'd like a bit more help than a review, I'm also offering to write you a new Strong Resume. I've done this before for friends and family and they've either scored interviews or the job they wanted. You can do that by schedulin