Strong Com Podcast

The Great Outdoors Episode



Creative work is easier to create and more effective with a process.Businesses find success through efficient systems. Because of this, over the past few weeks I’ve been recording and sharing podcasts on a regular schedule in a relatively structured format. But there’s only so much rule following I can tolerate before I decide to deviate and experiment to see what could come from it.This podcast is one such example.My wife and I recently took a quick camping trip to Tyler State Park. It was our first time there and only second time camping, and we had a lot of fun. I’ve never considered myself an “outdoors man” as I am a guy who typically eats pizza with a fork but now that most of my days consist of temperature controlled office and knowledge work, I welcome any reason to get outside of my head and into my body.We (eventually) set up the tent, hiked, weathered some light rain, got vandalized by raccoons, unplugged, napped, took a dip in the lake and enjoyed our time away from t