Strong Com Podcast

How to Manage Stress with Scott Austin Martin



This podcast covers a lot of ground in a short 60 minutes! Scott Austin Martin is a husband and father with a masters in clinical mental health counseling and specializes in stress reduction, trauma, with a focus in relationship transformation. You can learn more about him and his work through East Texas Stress Reduction Clinic and highlights:What is stress?The story we tell ourselvesHow there’s no suffering in the nowHow the body carries stressPain as a guideMasculine & feminine energyThe numerous tools and techniques for managing stress and pursuing wholenessWould love to hear your thoughts about this episode. I think it is a great introduction to what’s possible and Scott is a valuable resource for the East Texas area and online. You can leave a comment below below this post or just reach out to me on Twitter/Instagram @aarondunnworks or through the Facebook page, Strong Com w/ Aaron Dunn Get on the email list at This is a public episode. If