Strong Com Podcast

Don't wait, Move the Weight



Felt inspired today! This episode is a return to this podcasts' roots of exploring different ideas and how they apply to our life of progress. Also give a hint at the next episode. Here's a bit of what this podcast is about:Being overly ambitious has brought me plenty of opportunity but it has also brought me to high water.It may be that I'm trying to compensate for the resistance that comes with each opportunity. It also could also be pride. Or ego. A mix of all of this.Facebook's early value "move fast and break things" comes to mind. With speed comes growth, "breaking things" requires creativity and propels innovation. But this does not permit recklessness. Breaking things "within reason" doesnt have quite the same ring to it.I had the thought while working out but this applies in other arenas. I'm learning that the technique and strategy we use when making moves in business is equally important as the ones we use when moving heavy weight with our limbs.Acheiving a new "personal record" in each arena takes