Pregnancy, Birth And Beyond

Maternal eco-psychology with Allison Davis



Allison Davis joins us today from New Mexico, USA. Allison is a counsellor, educator and researcher of maternal mental health. Today we discuss the ecological domain of matrescence - learning to approach the challenges and struggles with a viewpoint of growth and transformation. We look at how our evolution can mirror the evolutionary processes of nature and how we can align ourselves with nature's desire for growth. Allison's work focuses on the development of mothers' psycho-ecological growth in matrescence, aiming to reframe eco-related distress as resilience, and offering a path through the mental health dangers of idealised 'green motherhood' towards lifestyles that are psychologically healthy, and ecologically sustainable. Through articulation and application of an ecofeminist-informed developmental approach, she fosters ecological thinking and contact with nature for psychotherapeutic healing and growth.She works in private practice at Mother Nature Therapy, teaches in the Master of Counseling program