Breaking Bread Podcast

Dealing With Anger (Part 2 of 2)



I should know by now that yelling seldom works. Moreover, it most often works against me. Fortunately, we don’t have to be screamers. On this episode of Breaking Bread, Brian Sutter explains how an introspective person makes gains on his/her anger. Emotions respond to an impetus and fuel a response. While some emotions fuel a deactivation of our system, anger activates our system. The impetus’ that provoke anger and the response it fuels are often constructed from our past experience with the emotion. Gains can be made in controlling our anger. They will require slowing down and being introspective. Notice your triggers. What situations provoke anger in you? Examples: words or phrases, facial expressions, kids, spouse, authority Notice your body. What sensations occur before anger sets in? Examples: shortened breathing, heat flash Notice what is beneath the surface. Anger is a secondary emotion. It responds to deeper emotions. Examples: shame, hurt, insecurity, loss, etc. Notice what your anger is