7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

217 - SOLO: 4 Tips To Overcome Imposter Syndrome and Boost Your Career



A big hello from Raleigh, North Carolina. For this episode, I want to address an important question, but one that is not widely discussed. That is how to overcome Imposter Syndrome. How many times have we wished that we were someone else because their lives are just seems so much better than ours? Growing up, I always wanted to be someone else. It took me a long time. I mean, long time to overcome Imposter Syndrome. So now I want to share with you what I did so that you can be your unique self with full confidence as well. Here are several things I've done to overcome those intrusive thoughts and negative feelings.   1. Don't believe everything you see on social media. Honestly, social media has exacerbated Imposter Syndrome for everyone. Everyone's life seems so perfect on social media and their accomplishments appear larger than life. I want to tell you to take what you see on social media with a grain of salt. Don't get too caught up in someone else's photos and their happy lives. Remember that a photo or