Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast

Scarlet Velocity #819: Negative part 1



In "Negative Part 1" we get the makings of an epic Flash story that sees everyone on the team get involved. After Iris shows up in 2049, Joan Garrick determines that the negative tachyons are giving Iris her time sickness. And it's all connected to the negative forces adjusting the timeline by taking care of some Thawnes. They kill the one locked up in ARGUS, and it seems that they've set their sights on Eobard, BF to Meena. Flash gathers the whole team to hold them off until he can stop them, but plans go drastically awry as the forces turn the tide by killing a beloved friend and bringing back a deadly enemy. Jay and Josh get negative (while staying positive) on this week's episode of Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast!