Ambassador Bible Fellowship

Whose Wisdom Do You Embrace: God's or Satan's? Part 1 - Audio



I. Genuine Believers fear God and turn away from evil (13) 1. Job (28:12, 23, 28) a. Wisdom = fear the Lord b. Understanding = know and avoid evil 2. Moses (Deut. 4:5-6, 32:28-29) a. If keep God’s statutes, then your wisdom, understanding observed by watching Gentiles 3. Solomon (Prov. 4:13-26) a. Wise, Understanding man will be blessed: long life, riches, honor, peace, eternal life, happiness II. Pretenders deceive themselves and others that they are Christians (14-16); 1. Bad Seed: Pretenders embrace earthly, fleshly and demonic wisdom (15) 2. Corrupt Root: Pretender’s heart will be motivated by bitter jealousy, selfish ambition (14) 3. Rotten Fruit: Pretenders will reap a life of disorder, every evil thing (16)