Impactbank: The Kickass Koach

362 - Perspective Drives WellBeing



Who knows what your fortune will bring? Perspective appears to be in short supply these days. Perhaps so much so that building perspective will be a competitive advantage.   Ask yourself: what practices and good habits can I nurture in myself that will help me maintain a healthy perspective?  How will these good habits or patterns serve me or the people who count on my leadership to realize better outcomes over time?   Walk with me and we'll explore how to expand your agency by building efficacy, optimism and imagination. Be fiercely responsible and accountable in meaningful ways. Build the capacity to turn every challenge into growth for a career and life you love.   Walk with me:    Take the GRIT Scale and see where you land. Take the VIA strengths survey TODAY to evaluate where to focus. Try out The BIG SIX and learn about your personality tendencies. Book a complimentary  Exploratory Conversation OR simply contract with me using one of these links:  1. For a Monthly Agreement -  https://www.payp