Aisling Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation #279: Dominque is asked to teach channeling classes by her dreams



On today's show I interview Camille about her upcoming Ancient Energy Healing Event. It’s free. Details are below. I also interpret two dreams for Dominique live. I suspect she knows what the dreams mean, so I ask her that first.  If you want your dream analyzed on my show, you can submit it here And when you do submit a dream that I use on my show, you get a bonus private call with me to talk about it. Ancient Energy Healing with Camille Camille’s ancient energy healing event is a series of 20+ interviews with different healers and about differing modalities. The interviews are released over the course of 15 days and you can listen to them all for free. Sign up. Get on this list. Listen to the ones that interest you and ignore the rest. Join the event here. Dreams used on today’s show Dream: I was picked to be the music teacher Dominque is asked to teach channeling classes. Before giving her that analysis, I ask her what she thinks