5 Smooth Stones

The Myths of White Supremacy are our world's covert ruling religion



On Sunday night, Seth Turner goes into his upcoming book on white supremacy from angles very few have ever heard of, much less thought about. He explains how white supremacy is 100% a religion. Furthermore, he explains how this philosophy of white superiority isn't solely practiced by so-called whites, but by anyone that listens long enough to believe it. Finally, Seth will speak in this episode about how, until the lies of whites being superior in "anyway" are corrected, victims of these lies will oppress and confuse people when they speak or act on so-called race matters. These are just a few things coming your way in this episode. Enjoy. Awake Zion! TIME: JUNE 26, 2022. SUNDAY,11 PM CST. To listen, call (914) 205 5590. Click the link below to listen online LIVE or after the show has been recorded.  http://tobtr.com/12114210