Conversations With Matt Dwyer

Tongo Eisen-Martin



Tongo Eisen-Martin is the poet laureate of San Francisco, an educator and activist. He is a powerful poet and a brilliant mind and it was an honor to spend two hours talking with him. Tongo joined me hours after we heard that the Supreme Court had overturned Roe. Tongo enlightened me to many of his views on the world. How many of us have been lulled asleep by late stage imperialism, how a society founded on a slavocracy does not have the DNA to be a democracy, how he was a product of a family organized intentionally and how writing poetry is getting to know your paralel intelligence. This was a two part conversation. The 2nd part lives on my patreon page.Part 2 of the Conversation can be heard exclusively on Patreon HEREOpening music, Church Bell by LOANTongo Eisen-Martin BANDCAMP Tongo's Books Someone's Dead AlreadyTongo's Books at City Lights BookstoreTongo on TwitterTongo in See for privacy and opt-out information.