Progressive Spirit

Episode 398: John Shuck's Covid Radio Essays



On my new LIVE show, Freedom Loves Company ( Studio B, 8-10 pm Eastern, Sundays), I tell my Covid story through sharing essays I had written when the government lockdowns, restrictions, impositions, and hysteria had just begun. How has my mind changed since those early weeks? This is a great audio podcast to hear and share to recount how this PSYOP began with comment on what I think today. Essays include...A Sermon for Conspiracy Theorists (March 15, 2020)Covid the Movie: The Sequel to 9/11 (March 28, 2020)Free Speech (April 7, 2020)Covid-19 is Fake: Warriors Needed (April 3, 2020)Not Even A Whimper (May 11, 2020)