Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Carrie Freeman – 2022 Extraordinary Women Ignite Keynote – Creating Social and Environmental Impact with Business – Episode 257



Today, I couldn't be more excited to introduce you to Carrie Freeman, the Co-CEO of SecondMuse, an impact and innovation company that builds resilient economies, and the 2022 Extraordinary Women Ignite Keynote! Now more than ever before, women are being called to raise up our voices, vision, and visibility. Carrie is leading with empathy and compassion. I couldn't think of a better speaker to uplift the conference and ignite a positive change in the attendees. In this Episode: Carrie shares ways to use technology; for good, collaboration, relationships, and to deepen the human connection The importance of environmental sustainability How to increase relational wealth Different approaches to support other people within our community Why education and equality are essential to raising the impact women can make in the world Ways to increase formalized opportunities for women Tips on how to give yourself permission and grace in the workforce Carrie's insight into being more intentional with decision making Car