Collider Heroes

The DC Streaming Universe Arrives!



On this 242nd episode of Heroes (Monday, May 7th, 2018), Jon Schnepp, Amy Dallen, Robert Meyer Burnett, and Claire Lin discuss the following from the world of Heroes and Villains:1. The DC Streaming Universe has launched.2. Will Jamie Foxx be playing ‘Spawn’ in the new Todd McFarlane remake?3. Comic Book Pull List.4. Marvel meets with over 65 Directors for the upcoming ‘Black Widow’ film.5. ‘Teen Titans go to the Movies’ gets an official Trailer with Nic Cage voicing Superman.6. Behind the scenes show ‘Captain Marvel’ fighting on top of a train in LA.7. Ryan Reynolds sees a much smaller ‘Deadpool 3’, ‘X-Force’ next with no TJ Miller and begging Hugh Jackman to come back as Wolverine.8. The Joker finally arrives on Gotham, and he is everything we hoped for.9. Simon Kinberg says script for ‘Gambit’ is ready and is still deciding on who will be in XForce film.10. Joe Russo talks about that “soul stone” scene, and what it means.11. The Russos also hint at their excitement in bring