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Biden Wants Taxpayers To Pay Travel Tab For Women Seeking Abortions



Elizabeth Warren suggested that the federal government could sidestep any state laws regulating abortions by allowing Planned Parenthood “outposts” to set up on the outskirts of national parks. Three people have been taken into police custody after the bodies of at least 46 illegal immigrants were found smuggled in the back of a tractor-trailer in San Antonio, the deadliest smuggling incident in American history. Joe Biden spoke with his son, Hunter, about a business deal Hunter struck with a Chinese businessman, a voicemail left by Joe to Hunter and found on the younger Biden’s abandoned laptop reveals. The Biden administration is considering using taxpayer funds to pay for women in states where abortion may be outlawed to travel to obtain them. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra promised that his department plans to “move as aggressively” as it can to ensure that women can get abortions while “complying with the law.” Employees at professional services company Ernst & Young cheated on th