Beyond The Kill

EP 384: Transmission: A Wild Sheep Film



In this episode, Nolan sits down with Jesse Bone and Tash Baycroft of Filter Studios, and Director Dan Minsky to discuss their most recent documentary film for the Wild Sheep Society of BC, Transmission, about M.ovi in British Columbia’s wild sheep.   “There is a pandemic happening amongst wild sheep. The infectious bacteria known as mycoplasma ovipneumoniae (movi) is a deadly bacteria that is passed from domestic sheep to wild sheep. Enter Dr. Helen Schwantje, the lead wildlife veterinarian for the Government of BC and a sheep farmer. Helen is at the forefront of the battle against Movi. Working with a handful of other passionate scientists and volunteers they’re doing what they can to try and stop the spread of this infectious disease.”  -   @movifree @filterstudios   @jessebone @dandirected @witkointhewild   --------------------------- SUPPORT WILD SHEEP: Go to Wild Sheep Foundation to find a membership option that suits your budget and commitment to wild sheep. ----------------------