Impactbank: The Kickass Koach

363 - Imprisoned Thinking Diminishes Feelings of Well-Being



Why are we so willing to be prisoners of our own thinking? Our patterns, habits and modes of thinking limit us; limit our capacity to grow, create and enjoy our life. Ask yourself:  what it you could think more clearly by: 1st, recognizing signs of your limited thinking; 2nd, noticing your patterns and habits before they hijack you; and, 3rd, building a strategy to respond effectively with agency and self-awareness? What would that mean for you? Walk with me; we can figure out how the three C's will work for you: Compassion. Curiosity Courage Stop blaming and be humble about your personal learning horizon and your thinking will improve.   Walk with me and we'll explore how to expand your agency by building efficacy, optimism and imagination. Be fiercely responsible and accountable in meaningful ways. Build the capacity to turn every challenge into growth for a career and life you love.   Walk with me:    Take the GRIT Scale and see where you land. Take the VIA strengths survey TODAY to evaluate w