Conversation Street

Conversation Street Episode #530



On our latest podcast, we chat about the episodes of Corrie shown in the UK between the 4th and the 8th July (Episodes #10681 - 10686). In fact, that's pretty much all we manage this week - for various reasons, we've had to make this a Street Talk only episode, but it's still a good couple of hours long even so! The main story this week was the big wedding of Fiz and Phill. Many of us had been wondering for a while whether it would actually take place or if she would instead opt for the much anticipated reunion with Tyrone. Well, it turned out to actually be a bit of both - and there are definitely some strongly opposing views on the podcast about that particular outcome! Also this week, Audrey puts the Platts to the test when she reveals she's leaving all her cash to WARTS (excellent callback, by the way!), Steve manages to get himself scammed when he pays for someone to fix his roof, and Spider follows in the footsteps of Wendy and Stephen by coming back for two episodes before disappearing off screen again