Liquid Church

Myth: God Must Be Disappointed With You | Stuff Jesus Never Said Part 1



Jesus said a lot of wise stuff in the Bible. Lately, it seems like he’s been saying a lot on social media too. In this message from Liquid Church, Pastor Zach Taylor kicks off a new series called Stuff Jesus Never Said by debunking myths about the words of God in the Bible. The Bible is packed full of incredible teachings and truths, many of which are straight from the words of Jesus himself. But when interpreting Scripture, it is easy to sometimes hear what we want to hear, isn’t it? This week, we look at the myth “God must be disappointed with you.” When you mess up or experience a failure, it may be easy to think this way. But did Jesus really say that? Or is it just popular opinion or fake news? Watch the message and come discover the truth about Stuff Jesus Never Said! Stuff Jesus Never Said Series | Pastor Zach Taylor | Liquid Church #Myth #Truth #Scripture #Bible #LiquidChurch #Christianity #ChristianChurch