Stay Calm Don't Panic

Episode 62: Talking With Teens About Capability



Summer is a great time to start conversations with your teen! Use the extra time with them while they are home to get curious and ask open-ended questions. To help, we’ve designed this series to be a quick, fun way to get everyone talking. Listen together with your teen, or by yourself. You might be surprised at how willing teenagers are to talk when they get started! In episode 62, Kelly Fann joins Chris to discuss encouraging teens to have a growth mindset. . . In this episode, we asked the following questions: - How good do you feel you are at doing things?  - What’s something you feel like you’re good at right now? - How does it make you feel when you take care of things yourself? - What’s something you’d like to get better at? How can I help? . Visit our website: Subscribe to get the episodes in your inbox: Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter . . Podcast Music by: Luke Cabrera & Tobin Hodges Hosted by: Chris Robey & Kelly Fann Produced