Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

Having High Standards for Yourself



The mistake that I often see women make is confusing having a high standards with being hard on themselves.   You essentially believe in striving for excellence in everything you do. You have an image of yourself and the way that you either believe or were taught about how things get done.    But this is where the line usually gets blurry.   You can tell the difference between having a high standard and being hard on yourself because the latter has a different tone.    It’s your inner mean girl being all judgy.   In this episode, we’re going to break down the signs that you’re being hard on yourself and letting perfectionism take over your standards.   I’m going to share where having high standards is good in some aspects of your business and what you can do whenever you’re not meeting them.   Learn …   How to determine if you’re confusing having a high standards with being hard on yourself especially in your business; What are the certain aspects of your business that you want to have high standards around;