Amanda's Wellbeing Podcast

This week's guest, Ness Stonnill, founded Job Pair an organisation that facilitates flexible work and working from home



Today's guest, Ness Stonnill, founded Job Pair, an organisation that helps individuals and businesses make flexible work (including part-time, job sharing and working from home) possible.This podcast is a topical one for Coronavirus times as we go into detail about how to work from home successfully.Ness openly shares her story that led to the founding of Job Pair. She had worked in high pressure senior executive marketing roles in Adelaide and Sydney that eventually caused her to burn out. This manifested as extreme exhaustion and auto-immune disorders. Ness embarked on a long road to recovery that encompassed working on both her physical and mental health. A couple of things that really resonated with Ness were Autogenic Therapy, a self-healing therapy, and discovering Brene Brown (in particular Brown's book “The Gifts of Imperfection”) who she credits with helping change her mindset. Looking inwards and focussing on wellbeing enabled Ness to imagine how she wanted her working life to look - flexible and pr