Amanda's Wellbeing Podcast

This week's guest, Lisa Murphy, is an adventurer and founder of travel company, Big Heart Adventures



Today's Podcast guest, Lisa Murphy, is the founder of Big Heart Adventures, a travel company specialising in unique, culturally authentic, hosted group active and adventure travel experiences.Lisa and I discuss some of the amazing benefits travel, especially travel involving a physical challenge like trekking, can bring to peoples lives. Lisa believes that travel encouragesempathy, cultural understanding and open mindedness. When combined with physical challenge, it can also help to build resilience and confidence. Big Heart Adventures offerers Challenge trips to destinations like the Wilderness trail on Kangaroo Island to Kumano Kodo in Japan and the Inca Trail in Peru. Big Heart Adventures also have a wonderful program called Wise Women Walking, women only trips, designed for women to reflect, nurture and celebrate their identity. Sounds terrific, doesn't it?Lisa, like the name of her company, has a big heart and a very important part of her work is to fundraising for charities and non-profit organisations,