Aussie English

Interview: Pete & Shana Discuss - Dating



Vocabulary list: To make out – to kiss To pick up on (someone) (US) - to hook up with, to have physical relations with someone, i.e. kissing, etc. To pick up (someone) (Aus) – to hook up with, to have physical relations with someone, i.e. kissing, etc. To hit on – to make sexual advances towards someone. Blind date – A date where people have been set up by friends and have never seen one another before. Matchmaker – someone who matches two people to go on a date, etc. Set up – when a friend or friends has organized a date for two people. Dating – To be seeing someone romantically on a regular basis (the stage before being “together” or being in a relationship. Single (and ready to mingle) - Said when you are a single person ready to meet other single people. To cross paths – to meet, to come across by chance. Fate – the development of events outside of a person’s control; destiny. A soul mate – a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner. To hit it off – to get along very well To