Stephen J. Kosmyna

Paradigm Purge - Getting Unstuck



In my episode last week I invited you to do an evaluation of where you are in relation to the objectives, intentions, goals and dreams you set for yourself and / or your company at the beginning of this year. We marked the halfway point in this year several days ago which is a great place to do a check up before the year gets away from us and spirals out of control. What did you come up with? Did you do this? Did you set and commit to specific intentions at the beginning of this year or recently? Where are you? Share your wins in the comments section if you have them. If you don't and you feel stuck, it would serve you well to listen to this episode as I explore where most of us, if not all of us, get stuck. There are some things you can do to get unstuck and it starts with purging the old paradigms and programming that keeps you on the receiving end of the same old results over and over again. Take the first step to get out of the results you don't want by listening in now. Dr. Koz (and effect!) Dr. Ste