Go-to Gal With Jaclyn Mellone

Entrepreneurship + ADHD with Courtney Chaal (How to Make Your Business Work for Your Brain)



Episode #232. About Courtney: Courtney Chaal is a copywriter turned business coach obsessed with making complex concepts (like business models and sales copy) simple and tangible to help regular people get big results.In 2012, she launched my copywriting services with zero experience and a desire to never have to get a “real job.” Since then, she has evolved from writing custom proposals for clients to creating a booked-out signature service (Sales Page CPR®) to launching digital products and programs like The Sales Page Kit™, Yay for Clients™, and her signature high ticket coaching program, Yay for 100K™.Since then her business has been featured on FastCompany.com, Inc.com, the CreativeLive blog, and on dozens of podcasts.Courtney is a BIG believer in the power of offering a signature service as the best way to start making a full-time income online. She’s taught more than 400 entrepreneurs how to make a full-time income from 1:1 services work. Now, she coaches entrepreneurs on how to streamline their servic