The Teachercast Podcast

Are We Ready To Redefine how “21st-Century Learning is defined … yet?



In this episode, Jeff sits down with Andy Calkins to discuss how Covid-19 has redefined and restructured what happens in the classroom and the board room. If you are a new listener to TeacherCast, we would love to hear from you. Please visit our (Contact Page) and let us know how we can help you today! In This Episode ...Who is NGLC and what is your role in the organization? What is next-generation learning and your recent change management project? Why is it imperative for K-12 education to reimagine the education system? What does transformational change look like in a school district? Have districts been successful in transforming their systems with the goal of equipping students with 21st-century skills? How has the work of districts committed to reimagining education been impacted by COVID-19? With COVID-19, were districts who are committed to the change management project able to continue providing rich learning experiences for students? What are you hearing from the