The Teachercast Podcast

Microsoft YouthSpark: Creating opportunities to learn Coding and Programming for Millions of Students Worldwide



In this episode of the TeacherCast Podcast, we welcome Dr. Sam Patterson of My Paperless Classroom and Todd Beard from Microsoft YouthSpark to discuss why Computer Science classes are vitally important for today's students. As technology has become an integral part of people’s daily lives around the world, we’re seeing a growing demand – from students, parents, teachers, governments, and nonprofits – to teach youth not only how to use technology, but also how to create technology to help them become the innovators and drivers of growth and opportunity in their communities. But what does this look like in the classroom? How do educators balance this new charge with other important content requirements? What is Microsoft YouthSpark?Microsoft YouthSpark is a global initiative to increase access for all youth to learn computer science, empowering them to achieve more for themselves, their families and their communities. Website: (https://www.micr