The Teachercast Podcast

Why do we call it Web 2.0 anyway?



Welcome to the first episode of the TeacherCast Podcast. In this episode, we discuss the world wide web of educational technology and learn what makes the difference between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 content for our students and classrooms. Topics Covered:The differences in the educational systems in England-vs-Australia-vs-U.S.A. 21st Century Skills in Education Teaching technology to very young children Do we need to teach cursive writing? What is Web 2.0? Using Wikipedia in the classroom What is eLearning? (What does the “E” stand for?) What technologies should we be promoting? What should our students expect from us? When should students start using laptops in the classroom? Using Twitter in the classroom Google+ and Facebook in the classroom Internet safety Blocking websites in schools Using blogs, wiki’s and nings Teaching various writing styles in high school What should teachers be expected to do for our students outside the classroom? Should teachers fear technology for privacy reasons? How to teach Web 2.