The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Robert Reid: Can we change the way we do business? Why are unions essential in the protection of workers?



New Zealand hasn’t been a social-democratic paradise since Rogernomics’ deregulation, selling off public assets, and slashing state investment. “Over the past 30 years, more than $350 billion has flowed out of New Zealand's economy to overseas banks and foreign owners of our assets. At the same time, the share of the economy going to working people has fallen from over 50 per cent to just over 40 per cent, cutting NZ $20 billion a year from pay packets. That's not a coincidence. Reducing employment rights and, more specifically, reducing the rights of New Zealanders to build economic power has led to a massive transfer of wealth away from the majority of Kiwis - our families, our communities and small businesses.” New Zealand needs to move away from our reliance on a low-wage economy where companies compete by paying people less. We need to remove the temptation to throw more cheap labour or longer work-hours at a problem, and