The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Denys Trussell & Bob Tait: ‘Friends of the Earth’ Has New Zealand compromised its Nuclear Free status?



There is even more to this nuclear episode - that we are allowing concentrated uranium oxide shipments into NZ ports en route to other countries, for maximising. Denys says that changes have to take place in the ‘consciousness and the sentiments’ of near on 5 million New Zealanders as well as the rest of the world’s population to address what is really taking place today. In 1974 FOE - Friends of the Earth started up in NZ so as to speak up for most environmental issues. Stating that social and ecological consciousness has to grow to be able to counter these increasing trends of disconnection from the planet that sustains us … and that we are also running into a generational problem that Bob hinted at in the introduction - of unknowingness of the issues by our youth. Irradiated food entering NZ with poor or microscopic labelling. Yet, during this time NZ also became the first country on Earth to ban the irradiation of food - However in the 1990’s because we lost our ‘ sovereignty’ through the CER - Closer Ec