The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Karin Schroeter on Bruno Gröning and the higher power or life force which is the basis of all living things, and it can heal!



We as a human race are just now becoming aware of the extraordinary healings that occurred through Bruno Gröning (1906-1959) which ushered in a new era of spiritual healing.  Bruno's teaching is a path to healing. Bruno Gröning left behind the knowledge of how to absorb a natural healing power that can bring long-lasting health to 
every human being. Back then and still today, healings of
 chronic illnesses that have lasted for decades, as well as of 
drug and other addictions, have occurred worldwide.
 This is confirmed by numerous healing reports that have
 been carefully examined by doctors of the Medical 
Scientific Group and documented using medical evidence
 by independent physicians. 
Doctors, psychologists and healing practitioners of the
 Medical Scientific Group regularly share their experiences
 through lectures, both domestically and internationally, in
 order to make Bruno Gröning's knowledge accessible to 
people worldwide. Bruno Gröning, born in 1906 in Gdansk, was an unassuming worker who relo