The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Dahr Jamail: What will be the trigger to awaken the human species to the dire consequences of climate change?



Dahr Jamail is the chief environmental reporter for - the large web-based news and current events site from the USA. An award winning writer of books such as: THE MASS DESTRUCTION OF IRAQ THE DISINTEGRATION OF A NATION: WHY IT IS HAPPENING, AND WHO IS RESPONSIBLE THE WILL TO RESIST SOLDIERS WHO REFUSE TO FIGHT IN IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN BEYOND THE GREEN ZONE  - DISPATCHES FROM AN UN-EMBEDDED JOURNALIST IN OCCUPIED IRAQ Dahr has been here in NZ checking on some of the key areas and tipping points’ within our localised ecology. The diminishing glaciers in the southern alps being very noticeable. The other being acidic oceans. Plus the strange weather patterns that are skewing the seasons of spring, summer and autumn. A third of the permanent snow and ice of New Zealand’s Southern Alps has now disappeared, according to our new research based on National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research aerial surveys. Since 1977, the Southern Alps’ ice volume has shrunk by 18.4 km3 or 34%, and those ice los