The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Tom Campbell PhD: We humans are individuated units of a vast 'greater consciousness' that's an eternal information field



21st Century Physicians in looking beneath the Quantum field are rapidly realising that the universe is consciousness and that they are calling it a ‘Greater Consciousness’ Tom Campbell Part Two of his cultural tour of New Zealand Tom Campbell PhD - from the US has an impressive career in applied physics. Having worked in military intelligence, reverse-engineering foreign technology, as well as in missile defence, including working on huge engineering projects for NASA - the US space agency - up until very recently. Tom was brought up and graduated in science within the mainstream university system and then by chance found himself living only 45 minutes drive from a person called Robert Monroe. Monroe had been experiencing situations where he would randomly shift his awareness to where it would be outside of his body and he would be ‘on the outside looking in’ and able to float and project his awareness to different locations. This has had some people labelling it soul travel, astral travel or plain ‘out of t