The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Marla Frees: From trauma and drama to transformation, healing our lives with love and forgiveness



Marla is a transformational spiritual medium who has been able to intuitively access heightened sensitivities within her own being allowing her to sense important information for one’s highest good. In some ways it could be described as reading the ‘information field’ that is the sum total of a person’s ‘wave form’ - or body. She is also able to access deceased loved ones in the same way. She has come to Auckland, NZ to present her findings of how consciousness survives death, alongside Dr Robin Kelly author of the Human Antenna and the Human Hologram who lives in Auckland In doing this she is making the paranormal - ’normal’. Remember this statement by the greatest scientist ever to set foot on earth? “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”     Nikola Tesla Marla’s receptivity to the invisible is able to bring healing and insight to anyone seeking deeper understanding about relationships, health, c