The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Sue Kedgley, NZ Greens Member of Parliament



From the archives.Sue Kedgley, is currently the Chairperson of the New Zealand Parliament Health Committee, a Green Member of Parliament for 10 years and her most recent book, is titled Eating Safely in a Toxic World.Hear of how National and Labour collude to allow no country of origin food labels allowing 'junk' food to flourish which could eventually collapse the national health system with too many over weight and diabetic patients taking up hospital beds etc and the frightening fact that the government and health department know that this is what's going to happen and instead do nothing. The interview also covers,  food labeling, irradiated food coming into NZ, poor quality food in hospitals, retirement villages and prisons, diet and sugar drinks, deteriorating teeth, education to what is a good diet and political party politics. Also, Codex and TGA effects from Australia where we get an insight to the state of affairs of Health across NZ and the way out, by growing our own vegetables in our own back yard