The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Logan Muller, on the use of IT in the development of sustainability



Logan Muller is one of Unitec's Senior Academic researchers. His expertise is the use of IT in the development of sustainability.His PhD is in socially and environmentally sustainable business. He has implemented the model in New Zealand and in the remote areas of the Andean mountains in Peru.The model has been adopted by the Peruvian Government and endorsed by the Latin American Telecommunications Council as a successful poverty alleviation method. However as one of  NZs most active academics in IT for Sustainability, Logan is making changes at the grass roots and hands on level and policy making areas.Listen to a passionate story of insight and experience on how we can solve so many of our challenges here on Spaceship Earth, and empower people particularly those who have never had a say, through IT, especially utilising the world wide web.As an emergent species the possibility to instigate positive change starting from oneself, families, and community, to cluster of communities is now in the ascendant. The