Pri: Living On Earth

Getting Plastics Out of the Parks, The Sounds of Mars, New Telescope to Unlock Mysteries of the Universe, and more



To help curb the plastic pollution crisis, the US Department of Interior will phase out single-use plastic products sold and distributed in national parks and other federal public lands it oversees.  Also, the first successful Mars lander was Viking 1 in 1976, and now, after dozens of missions NASA has finally captured the first ever audio recorded on the surface of the red planet. How sounds on Mars compare to how we experience them here on Earth. And the new James Webb Space Telescope is by far the most powerful space telescope ever built, able to see up to a hundred galaxies at once and detect the light emitted from some of the universe's very first stars while also checking planets near and far for conditions compatible for life.  --   Support for Living on Earth comes from: maude. Get a treat from maude! Use the code EARTH to get $5 off your first order on all products. And Use promo code EARTH to save $25 on your stay — and enjoy more free time in the great outdoors.   Learn more about yo